Tuesday, January 5, 2016

In 2016, I'll try....

Thanks to the Frenzied SLPs for inspiring this post.  It's good to think about things both big and small that we can change in our lives.  I have a fairly big change coming this month, I'm taking on a per diem position with an outpatient center that takes on some very tough kiddo's...dual diagnoses, complicated cases.  Here's the thing, these are the types of cases I LOVE to treat in the schools so I'm not sure why I'm soooo nervous about this adventure!   I thought briefly about not doing it...told myself to listen to my inner voice, that one needling me about how change can be uncomfortable.   I usually try to listen to that voice but here's what I've discovered.  Sometimes that voice is not intuitive but more of a self-doubt kind of voice and that's a voice I'd rather not hear from anyone! Here's how I'm getting through these jitters, by reminding myself:

So, here's to stepping outsides of our comfort zones in 2016 and trying new things that scare us...

Be sure to check out the other SLP posts at All y'all need!  


  1. You can do it!!!! Breathe, relax, and do your thing! :)

  2. You'll be great! Thanks for linking up!
    All Y’all Need

  3. Good luck! Change helps us grow :-)

  4. Stepping out of your comfort zone helps you to grow! Before you know it, you will feel so skilled and at ease because you have the skills already, you just need to put them to use in a sightly different way! Good luck!
